About Us

Robert Hageman
I’m just a regular country boy from Kentucky that had a radical encounter with God 12 years ago. I was saved when I was 30 years old and up till my encounter with the Holy Spirit, I was just walking In the knowledge of my salvation, never knowing there was more. My wife and I were at a conference when I heard the teaching of promises and provision for the believer after salvation, healing and gifts of the Spirit to mention a few. After my radical encounter with God that weekend, we drove straight to my father in laws house that had just been diagnosed with a terminal cancer, laid hands and prayed for him, He was healed and lived 7 more years before he went home to Jesus. That led me on a search for what we have, who we are in Christ and how to receive what is ours as born again believers. In the last 12 years, God has taught me through revelation in his word, the truth of who we are in Christ and the provisions and promises that are ours and how to receive them. It is my heart to teach you what I have learned.

Becky Hageman
I’m Robert’s wife. The Lord has given my husband some awesome revelations through dreams and visions and His word that he will be sharing with you but I am going to be taking up a corner on this website to speak mostly to my sisters in Christ. Jesus completely delivered me from depression about 15 years ago and He has been teaching me how to handle my emotions ever since. I want to pass along what God has given me to you as the word says “ freely give what you have received”.